2. Preparing your workstation
2.1. Red Hat subscriptions
Some deployments would require a Red Hat Customer Portal account that has appropriate subscriptions. This is not required for the playbook themselves.
Red Hat employee subscriptions can be used |
2.2. AgnosticD with Execution Environment
It is possible to run agnosticd with containers. This way you just need a container runtime, usually podman for Linux and Docker for mac. The tools/execution_environments directory contains builds scripts for our supported Execution Environment (EE).
Ansible Execution environments
Naming convention
Supported Execution environments for agnosticd should be named using one of the following conventions:
ee-<python virtualenv>
- Execution Environments for legacy python virtualenvs available on ../virtualenvs Ex:ee-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-11-30
- execution environment customized for a particular purpose. For example, the<purpose>
string could be to support a particular version of a cloud provider different from what is included in the multi-cloud environment. Ansible version should be 2.9+ and python version should be 3.6+. Ex:ee-multicloud
. Version can be added as tag using semantic versioning.
Community Images (recommended)
podman or docker installed and configured on your workstation.
ansible-navigator installed, see below for instructions
Available public images are listed on Quay here:
Private Images (reference only)
podman or docker installed and configured on your workstation.
ansible-navigator installed, see below for instructions
access to private registry image-registry.apps.open.redhat.com:
oc login
to the OCP4 cluster hosting the registry
Supported images, based on supported Execution Environments, are available in the private registry image-registry.apps.open.redhat.com.
To login to the registry, get a token using the OCP client as follows:
podman login -u unused -p $(oc whoami -t) image-registry.apps.open.redhat.com
List of support EE can be found on the production clusters by looking at images in the agnosticd namespace.
As of 2022-03-07, the list is:
oc get is -n agnosticd
NAME IMAGE REPOSITORY TAGS UPDATED ee-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-01-22 default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.ocp-us-west-2.infra.open.redhat.com/agnosticd/ee-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-01-22 latest 6 hours ago ee-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-11-30 default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.ocp-us-west-2.infra.open.redhat.com/agnosticd/ee-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-11-30 latest 4 hours ago ee-azure_open_envs-ansible2.9-python3.6-2022-01-10 default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.ocp-us-west-2.infra.open.redhat.com/agnosticd/ee-azure_open_envs-ansible2.9-python3.6-2022-01-10 latest 6 hours ago ee-equinix_metal-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-07-02 default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.ocp-us-west-2.infra.open.redhat.com/agnosticd/ee-equinix_metal-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-07-02 latest 6 hours ago ee-equinix_metal-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-11-03 default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.ocp-us-west-2.infra.open.redhat.com/agnosticd/ee-equinix_metal-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-11-03 latest 4 hours ago ee-multicloud default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.ocp-us-west-2.infra.open.redhat.com/agnosticd/ee-multicloud v0.0.4,v0.0.3 7 hours ago
Upstream project: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator
is the preferred tool for running AgnosticD. With this CLI tool, you can use the supported agnosticd images. It has both a static stdout mode and an interactive mode.
See Upstream project: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator for complete instructions.
You can use requirements-ee.txt or just install it with pip
pip3 install 'ansible-navigator[ansible-core]'
To use Execution Environments, you need to run agnosticd with ansible-navigator
# Run from agnosticd directory
cd agnosticd
ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml \
--eei quay.io/agnosticd/ee-multicloud:latest \
-e @ansible/configs/test-empty-config/sample_vars.yml
On Mac, you probably want to change the container engine to docker , using --ce docker
ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml \ --eei quay.io/agnosticd/ee-multicloud:latest \ --eev ~/secrets:/secrets \ -e @ansible/configs/test-empty-config/sample_vars_ec2.yml \ -e @/secrets/dev.yml
Add --mode stdout option to mimic ansible-playbook simple output.
# Run from agnosticd directory
cd agnosticd
ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml \
--eei quay.io/agnosticd/ee-multicloud:latest \
--eev ~/secrets:/secrets \
-e @ansible/configs/test-empty-config/sample_vars_ec2.yml \
-e @/secrets/dev.yml
Some of the arguments in the above example can be setup in a config file, in your home directory.
image: quay.io/agnosticd/ee-multicloud:latest
- src: /home/fridim/vars
dest: /vars
- src: /home/fridim/secrets
dest: /secrets
- src: /tmp
dest: /tmp
mode: stdout
Then the command is much simpler:
ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml \ -e @ansible/configs/test-empty-config/sample_vars_ec2.yml \ -e @/secrets/dev.yml
Please refer to upstream documentation for configuring ansible-navigator.
To build a new version of ee-multicloud, you can simply open a PR to update its file:
requirements.txt (python modules)
requirements.yml (ansible collections)
A GitHub workflow will automatically create the image and push it to Quay using a tag temporary-pr-1234
with 1234 being the id of the Pull Request.
Alternatively, you can build from your local machine:
cd ee-multicloud-public podman build . -t ee-multicloud:mytag
Build supported images (reference only)
podman installed and configured
oc login
to the OCP4 cluster hosting the registry
mkdir -p ~/virtualenvs/ansible-builder python3 -mvenv ~/virtualenvs/ansible-builder . ~/virtualenvs/ansible-builder/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements-ee.txt
podman login quay.io podman login registry.redhat.io podman login -u unused -p $(oc whoami -t) image-registry.apps.open.redhat.com
Execution environment images should always target specific dated versions.
ansible-builder build --tag ee-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-10-29
PROD image-registry.apps.open.redhat.com
# prod podman login -u unused -p $(oc whoami -t) image-registry.apps.open.redhat.com
registry=image-registry.apps.open.redhat.com #replace with the image tag you want to push name=ee-ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-10-29 podman push $name $registry/agnosticd/$name name=ee-multicloud:v0.1.1 podman push $name $registry/agnosticd/$name
2.3. Workstation setup for OpenStack
Please see the OpenStack tutorial.
2.4. Workstation setup for AWS
2.4.1. Prerequisites
This is a configuration guide of the packages and repos you need to install the tools, but a previoulsy existing AWS account is needed.
2.4.2. Steps
Python Boto version 2.41 or greater
Git any version would do.
Ansible version 2.1.2 or greater
awscli bundle tested with version 1.11.32 Python and the Python dependencies may be installed via your OS' package manager (eg: python2-boto on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL) or via pip. Python virtualenv can also work.
on Fedora, all dependencies are packaged and can be easily installed via
dnf install wget git awscli python3-boto3 ansible ansible-lint yamllint
(botocore and python will be pulled automatically through dependencies).
The lint tools are optional but are recommended tools to check the quality of your code.
# Install basic packages
yum install -y wget python python-boto unzip python2-boto3.noarch tmux git ansible
# Another option to configure python boto is:
git clone git://github.com/boto/boto.git
cd boto
python setup.py install
#Install boto3
pip install boto3
#Install pywinrm if you plan to deploy windows VMs
#pip install pywinrm
# Enable epel repositories for Ansible
cd /tmp
wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum -y install `ls *epel*.rpm`
# Install ansible and checked install version (required
yum install -y ansible
ansible --version
## Install aws cli
curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cli/awscli-bundle.zip" -o "awscli-bundle.zip"
unzip awscli-bundle.zip
sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /bin/aws
aws --version
# Install Python3
brew install python
# For python2 do
brew install python@2
# Depending on whether you did python3 or python2, use the pip3 or pip command
pip3 install boto3
#Install pywinrm if you plan to deploy windows VMs
#pip3 install pywinrm
# Install Ansible
pip3 install ansible
# Install awscli
brew install awscli
2.4.3. Configure the EC2 Credentials
In order to be able to deploy AgnosticD configs on AWS, you will need an IAM user into your AWS account. If you are new to AWS, you can find the instructions.
You will need to place your EC2 credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file:
mkdir ~/.aws
cat << EOF >> ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = CHANGE_ME
aws_secret_access_key = CHANGE_ME
Add the SSH Key to the SSH Agent (optional) If your operating system has an SSH agent and you are not using your default configured SSH key, you will need to add the private key you use with your EC2 instances to your SSH agent:
ssh-add <path to key file>
If you use an SSH config that specifies what keys to use for what hosts this step may not be necessary. |
2.4.4. AWS Permissions and Policies
AWS credentials for the account above must be used with the AWS command line tool (detailed below)
An AWS IAM account with the following permissions:
Policies can be defined for Users, Groups or Roles
Navigate to: AWS Dashboard → Identity & Access Management → Select Users or Groups or Roles → Permissions → Inline Policies → Create Policy → Custom Policy
Policy Name: openshift (your preference)
Policy Document:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1459269951000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudformation:*", "iam:*", "route53:*", "elasticloadbalancing:*", "ec2:*", "cloudwatch:*", "autoscaling:*", "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
Finer-grained permissions are possible, and pull requests are welcome. |
2.4.5. AWS existing resources
A route53 public hosted zone is required for the scripts to create the various DNS entries for the resources it creates. Two DNS entries will be created for workshops:
- a DNS entry pointing to the master -
- a wildcard DNS entry pointing to the router/infrastructure node
An EC2 SSH keypair should be created in advance and you should save the key file to your system. To do so, follow these steps:
REGION=us-west-1 KEYNAME=ocpworkshop $ openssl genrsa -out ~/.ssh/${KEYNAME}.pem 2048 $ openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/${KEYNAME}.pem -pubout > ~/.ssh/${KEYNAME}.pub $ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/${KEYNAME}.pub $ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/${KEYNAME}.pem $ touch ~/.ssh/config $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
Now, test connecting to your AWS account with your previously created credentials and your key:
$ aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name ${KEYNAME} --region=$REGION --output=text --public-key-material "`cat ~/.ssh/${KEYNAME}.pub | grep -v PUBLIC`"
+ CAUTION: Key pairs are created per region, you will need to specify a different keypair for each region or duplicate the keypair into every region.
REGIONS="ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 OTHER_REGIONS..." $ for REGION in `echo ${REGIONS}` ; do aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name ${KEYNAME} --region=$REGION --output=text --public-key-material "`cat ~/.ssh/${KEYNAME}.pub | grep -v PUBLIC`" done
2.5. Workstation setup for Azure
2.5.1. Prerequisites
This is a configuration guide of the packages and repos you need to install the tools, but a previoulsy existing Azure account is needed.
2.5.2. Steps
If you want to deploy on azure you will need the Azure client.
# Install the azure-cli system-wide sudo -i rpm --import https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc cat >> /etc/yum.repos.d/azure-cli.repo <<EOF [azure-cli] name=Azure CLI baseurl=https://packages.microsoft.com/yumrepos/azure-cli enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc EOF yum check-update yum install -y azure-cli
We recommend you install the ansible module in a virtualenv.
# /!\ careful this will update ansible as well # Use a virtualenv for those: pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade --force ansible[azure]
--force is used here, because of a known issue.
2.5.3. Service principal
It’s better to use a service principal instead of your main credentials. Refer to the official documentation.
az login az ad sp create-for-rbac az login --service-principal -u <user> -p <password-or-cert> --tenant <tenant>
azure_service_principal: "service principal client id" azure_password: "service principal password or cert" azure_tenant: "tenant ID" azure_region: "Azure location, ex: EuropeWest" azure_subscription_id: "Subscription id"
2.5.4. Virtualenv
If you want to use virtualenv, you can try & adapt this:
cd ansible mkdir ~/virtualenv-aad virtualenv ~/virtualenv-aad -p python2.7 . ~/virtualenv-aad/bin/activate export CC=gcc-5 pip install -r requirements.txt
3. AgnosticD & Configs
This document gives an overview of the process of writing either a new config from scratch or copying and modifying an existing config. Well designed configs, can easily and cleanly be abstracted to allow deployment to multiple different Public and Private Clouds including AWS, Azure.
3.1. What are configs?
A config is simply a lab, workshop, or other deployment that has been defined and encapsulated in a series of playbooks, variable files, and templates in a config directory. This allows Ansible Agnostic Deployer to deploy it simply and repeatedly on one or more Cloud Platforms.
3.2. How you Deploy configs
configs are typically deployed via one of 3 methods:
From the command line. A suitably configured Ansible Control Node, or laptop, can invoke a new config deployment by invoking
ansible-playbook main.yml -e @./configs/<CONFIG_NAME?sample_vars.yml
or other variable file with the appropriate parameters. See Three Tier App for an example. -
Via a front-end application such as Red Hat Cloud Forms or ServiceNow which provides a user friendly catalog or "portal" type interface to the end user and can invoke the appropriate ansible command directly or via a "wrapper" script.
It is also possible to invoke a config by creating AgnosticD as an Ansible Tower Project and defining configs as jobs. Going forward this pattern will influence the future evolution of AgnosticD. Once a config is defined as a job it can either be directly invoked or via a front-end application or script making an API call to an Ansible Tower server.
3.3. How AgnosticD Deploys configs
AgnosticD deploys configs via a 6 stage process, discussed in more detail below. This provides config creators considerable flexibility, without undue complexity, to control the deployment process in a modular manner and enables you to abstract the Cloud Specific steps (e.g. AWS ec2 or Microsoft Azure) from the application or OS specific steps. Greatly enhancing Cloud Portability.
The last point is key, as it allows developers to simply add new Cloud Platforms at a latter date, or provide their configs with multi-cloud support from day 1. The term Cloud Provider includes the ability to add a virtualization platform (e.g. KVM, Hyper-V), Public Cloud Platform (e.g. Google Cloud Engine), or a container based platform such as OpenShift or Docker.
Currently supported platforms (via Cloud Providers):
4. Overview of a Typical Config
Configs are located in the ansible/configs/
README.adoc linklight ocp-ha-disconnected-lab quay-enterprise
ans-tower-lab linklight-demo ocp-ha-lab rhte-ansible-net
ansible-cicd-lab linklight-engine ocp-implementation-lab rhte-lb
ansible-provisioner linklight-foundations ocp-multi-cloud-example rhte-oc-cluster-vms
archive linklight-networking ocp-storage-cns rhte-ocp-workshop
bu-workshop linklight-networking-all ocp-workloads simple-multi-cloud
just-a-bunch-of-nodes ocp-clientvm ocp-workshop three-tier-app
lightbulb ocp-gpu-single-node openshift-demos
Above configs subject to change over time
A typical Config is well illustrated by Three Tier App.
├── README.adoc # Config specific README
├── destroy_env.yml # Teardown playbook to remove the config when finished
├── env_vars.yml # Default vars containing configuration variables
├── files # Sub-directory for templates, cloud provider files etc
├── pre_infra.yml # Stage 0 Playbook
├── post_infra.yml # Stage 2 Playbook
├── pre_software.yml # Stage 3 Playbook
├── software.yml # Stage 4 Playbook
├── post_software.yml # Stage 5 Playbook
├── sample_vars.yml # Sample user supplied vars (cloud provider, ids etc)
└── topology.png # Optional topology diagram

4.1. sample_vars.yml
Sample user supplied vars.
4.2. default_vars.yml
Default vars containing configuration variables.
4.3. secret.yml
normally lives in your home direcotry - anywhere outside of the
AgnosticD repository itself. They should never be committed to Git!
Example secret files include;
osp_auth_username: alice osp_auth_password: toomanysecrets ...
You can see that these are sensitive credentials.
When running AgnosticD, it’s normal to "pass in" your secrets like this;
user@host: ansible-playbook main.yml -e@~/secret.yml -e@configs/...
5. AgnosticD Flow
When ansible starts to deploy a config the process involves 2 logically distinct phases, Infrastructure and Software, each broken up into 3 Steps. This is illustrated below:

AAD deployments start by invoking a common main.yml
with an environmental
variable file identifying the cloud platform to deploy plus other meta-data.
e.g. ansible-playbook main.yml -e @configs/three-tier-app/sample_vars.yml
- import_playbook: "configs/{{ env_type }}/pre_infra.yml"
- import_playbook: "cloud_providers/{{ cloud_provider }}_infrastructure_deployment.yml"
- import_playbook: "configs/{{ env_type }}/post_infra.yml"
- import_playbook: "configs/{{ env_type }}/pre_software.yml"
- import_playbook: "configs/{{ env_type }}/software.yml"
- import_playbook: "configs/{{ env_type }}/post_software.yml"
For config developers the above stages provide 5 hooks for customizing the configuration of your environment and 1 hook for customizing it for one or more cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Azure, etc).
An example config is provided by ansible/configs/just-a-bunch-of-nodes
5.1. Stage 0 pre_infra.yml
In this stage AAD is the entry playbook and is typical used for setting up any infrastructure etc prior to launching a cloud deployment. Typical tasks could include:
Creating necessary ssh keys
Moving any ssh keys into place, setting permissions etc
Creating any payloads to be used in later stages e.g. repo files etc
Ensuring cloud credentials are available
Please refer to SSH keys and access for anything around that topic. |
5.2. Stage 1 Cloud Provider Deploy
This stage is unique in the flow in that the config creator doesn’t supply a playbook but typically has to provide cloud specific configuration data.
Clouds are selected via the value of the cloud_provider
variable and supported
clouds can be found in ansible/cloud_providers
. Currently supported are:
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Example: AWS configs use CloudFormations templates to deploy their
infrastructure so this can be provided. Take a look at Three Tier Apps
Cloud Formation Template.
Notice it is written in Jinja2 and can easily be extended to deploy more, or
less servers, plus you can change the Operating Systems, software payloads
etc. This is done by overriding the default variables found in
A Cloud Creators document exists to facilitate adding further clouds to AAD. Wish list items include:
5.3. Stage 2 post_infra.yml
In this stage AgnosticD can execute any "post infrastructure" tasks. It is not uncommon for this phase to do nothing but it provides a convenient hook for any tasks that may need to be run after building your Cloud Infrastructure. For example running any smoke tests that may be required.
5.4. Stage 3 pre_software.yml
At this point the infrastructure should be up and running but typically in a un-configured state. This stage provides a convenient hook for running any tasks that may be needed before software payload deployment. For example"
Running any pre software tests
Setup software dependant yum repos or equivalent
Retrieving any licenses etc.
key housekeeping - for example inserting additional keys and configuration -
hosts orjumpboxes
5.5. Stage 4 software.yml
In this stage AgnosticD deploys any software payloads onto the infrastructure. This could be as simple as installing Apache or as complex as installing and configuring an N-tier application.
5.6. Stage 5 post_software.yml
In the final stage AgnosticD would typically perform a number of tasks including:
Any cleanup from the prior stages
Any end to end or component testing
User notification of the running configuration
SSH keys and access
This section describes how SSH keys are managed in agnosticd.
6. Scope
Here is the list of agnosticd cloud providers that follow this workflow:
Long-term, we want all cloud providers to comply.
7. Workflow
PRE-INFRA cloud-agnostic role
generates a per-environment, for infra, local SSH key-
output file: private and public key in
output facts:
ex:ssh_provision_{{ guid }}
ex:/tmp/output_dir/ssh_provision_{{ guid }}
ex:/tmp/output_dir/ssh_provision_{{ guid }}.pub
Role is idempotent and can be used to only set the facts
INFRA role
infra-{{ cloud_provider }}-ssh-key
to create the keypair in the cloud provider -
INFRA in the cloud providers, use the key previously created to provision the infra
POST-INFRA generate ssh configuration using the variable
, done by the role infra-common-ssh-config-generate -
POST-INFRA cloud-agnosticd post-infra role to update the authorized_keys on all hosts
Input var:
: list of content pub keys and key options. That’s where we set the content of the public keys for additional access (admins, backdoor key, …).examplessh_authorized_keys
(preferred)ssh_authorized_keys: - key: ssh-rsa ... - key: ssh-rsa ... key_options: no-port-forwarding,from="" - key: https://github.com/fridim.keys
list is also supported (backward-compatible)exampleall_ssh_authorized_keys
(legacy only)all_ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa ... - ssh-rsa ... - https://github.com/fridim.keys
infra-{{ cloud_provider }}-ssh-key
to delete the keypair in the cloud provider
7.1. Lifecycle and destroy
The private key and SSH config are stored in output_dir
In order to access the instances after provision you need access to output_dir
If you’re developping from your laptop, that should be transparent since output_dir
will be persistent across calls of ansible-playbook
On the other hand, when you’re provisioning from Tower or Controller (or from RHPDS), you need output_dir
to be persistent across jobs and that is done by the 2 following roles:
and push it to S3 -
from S3
Make sure the secrets and variables are set so those roles are executed:
# PROD bucket
# Archive object to create in S3 storage.
agnosticd_save_output_dir_archive: "{{ guid }}_{{ uuid }}.tar.gz"
# If you want to protect the archive with a password:
# it can be useful if the S3 bucket is shared between multiple users.
# agnosticd_save_output_dir_archive_password: ...
# S3 storage bucket access information, should be provided by a secret.
agnosticd_save_output_dir_s3_bucket: agnosticd-output-dir
agnosticd_save_output_dir_s3_region: us-east-1
agnosticd_save_output_dir_s3_access_key_id: "..."
agnosticd_save_output_dir_s3_secret_access_key: "..."
8. Bring your own provision key (optional)
Most of the time you don’t need to bring your own key as it is generated automatically. |
In some cases the SSH key generation described above is not working well (e.g., the key pair can be lost if not stored at persistent storage and destroy job will fail). It is possible to specify an existing SSH key which will be used for the environment provisioning and destroy by setting the following variables:
(optional)example settingssh_provision_*
variablesssh_provision_key_name: "my_private_ssh_key.pem" ssh_provision_key_path: "/home/account/.ssh/{{ ssh_provision_key_name }}" ssh_provision_pubkey_content: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1 ...rest of the key... JjQ==
9. Roles
Generate locally a private SSH key in
and set the facts for later use. The resulting public key is used to provision the instances. The role is idempotent and can be run multiple times. -
infra-{{ cloud_provider }}-ssh-key
Create the key resource in the cloud provider so it can be attached to instances. For example
. -
Generate the SSH configuration in
files on the instances for additional access. -
Compatibility role to facilitate migration from deprecated roles. See readme.
9.1. Deprecated roles and variables
Use instead |
Use instead |
10. Config Writing Tutorials
10.1. Config on OpenShift (Workloads)
An OpenShift Workload is simply a workload that is applied to an existing, running, OpenShift cluster. For example if you wish to deploy 3Scale, Prometheus, or a MicroService application you can define it as a Workload then simply and consistently deploy it with a single command to your OpenShift cluster.
This document assumes more than a passing familiarity with OpenShift but if you just want to "copy and hack" an existing Workload take a look at the OpenShift 3Scale workload.
Other OpenShift Workloads here. OpenShift Workloads all begin
and follow the traditional structure of an Ansible Role.
10.1.1. Creating Workloads that install OpenShift operators
When creating a workload that installs an operator into a cluster you need to be aware of the fact that operators change quite frequently. To prevent your workload from breaking when a new release of the operator is released into the online catalog it is highly recommended to create an operator catalog snapshot.
10.1.2. How are Workloads Deployed?
OpenShift Workloads are deployed by applying an Ansible role to an existing, running, cluster.
New and existing workloads can be deployed, and developed, on any OpenShift
cluster including locally on your laptop (oc cluster
and Minishift
Each Workload Role includes a detailed README.adoc
and they are applied by
invoking the ocp-workload
config.which is actually a Playbook and will apply
the workload in the value ocp_workload
. For example:
ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local ./configs/ocp-workloads/ocp-workload.yml \
-e ocp_workload=ocp-workload-3scale-multitenant \
-e ACTION=create \
-e subdomain_base=$SUBDOMAIN_BASE \
-e admin_username=$ADM_USERNAME
This information is deprecated. The catalog item in RHPDS no longer exists. |
10.2. Config on OpenStack
In this document we will explain how one could setup their laptop for AgnosticD deployment with OpenStack.
If you are a Red Hatter, you can use rhpds.redhat.com to request access to our OpenStack cluster:
Log in to https://rhpds.redhat.com/ using your opentlc user.
Go to Services → Catalogs → Novello Testing → OSP Sandbox AgD Training (all Red Hat employees should see it, make sure you are in the right group).
Click Order → Submit
You will receive three emails indicating the status of the environment and instructions for accessing the environment. In the third email you receive all information you need to login to the client machine that would have the rest of required information. |
You can use the bastion VM as your ansible host or copy the files over to your laptop and work locally. Most steps are only necessary on your laptop as the bastion host is already pre-configured. |
10.2.1. Configure your environment for running OpenStack Ansible
on Fedora dnf install python3-openstacksdk python3-openstackclient python-openstackclient-doc python-openstackclient-lang python3-heatclient python-heatclient-doc python3-dns will do the job (you may choose to skip doc and lang packages).
Please make sure the file
doesn’t exist or is empty, otherwise this default inventory file will cause problems later. -
Install Python 3, gcc, and python package managemend and development libraries (On your laptop or on the clientVM):
# on Linux $ sudo yum install gcc python3 python3-devel python3-libs python3-pip -y # on Mac $ brew install python pyenv-virtualenv
Create virtualenv environment and download python requirements:
Create virtualenv and activate
$ python3 -m venv ansible2.9-python3.6 ##In Mac $ pyenv virtualenv ansible2.9-python3.6 ## In Mac, if you find the error " the error: error: pyenv: pip: command not found]", it could because you need pip3, in that case please do: $ alias pip=pip3 $ pip install --upgrade pip $ source ansible2.9-python3.6/bin/activate ## In Mac $ source /Users/[USER]/.pyenv/versions/ansible2.9-python3.6/bin/activate ## ^replace [USER] with your username or the proper path
Install the python modules inside that virtualenv
On Mac
$ pip3 install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redhat-cop/agnosticd/development/ansible/configs/ocp4-disconnected-osp-lab/files/macos_requirements.txt
On Linux
(ansible2.9-python3.6) $ pip3 install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redhat-cop/agnosticd/development/tools/virtualenvs/ansible2.9-python3.6-<DATE>.txt #(1)
go to https://github.com/redhat-cop/agnosticd/tree/development/tools/virtualenvs and check the latest available version (symlinks don’t work).
10.2.2. Getting your OpenStack Credentials
Create the
file on your laptop using the information provided in the final email.$ mkdir -p ~/.config/openstack $ vim ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
Review your
:cat ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml clouds: 35eb-project: auth: auth_url: "" username: "35eb-user" project_name: "35eb-project" project_id: "1a79cf800ff94754bb495e2c1fd9d433" user_domain_name: "Default" password: "YOUR_TEMP_PASSWORD" region_name: "regionOne" interface: "public" identity_api_version: 3
Check that your credentials are working. In order to do so, first log into your bastion, using the credentials provided to you via email:
sassenach:~ Cibeles$ ssh YOUR-OPENTLC-USER@bastion.GUID.red.osp.opentlc.com YOUR-OPENTLC-USER@bastion.GUID.red.osp.opentlc.com's password: YOUR_EMAIL_PROVIDED_PASSWORD
$ openstack --os-cloud=GUID-project server list +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+------------------------------------------------+-------+---------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor | +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+------------------------------------------------+-------+---------+ | 653fb842-6ce8-4eb0-a51a-dc0f3d5fb103 | bastion | ACTIVE | 35eb-ocp-network=, | | 2c2g30d | +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+------------------------------------------------+-------+---------+
Try to login to OpenStack UI using the auth_url from the
without port and path, i.e. something like: https://api.xxx.infra.opentlc.com/. You must use username and password from.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
to login to the UI (the domain can be ignored as long as it is 'Default').
10.2.3. Setting up AgnosticD and your development environment
Clone the AgnosticD repository:
git clone https://github.com/redhat-cop/agnosticd
Create your
file outside the repository, and edit it using the correct credentials based on yourclouds.yml
file:cat << EOF >> ~/secret.yml # Authenication for OpenStack in order to create the things # RED osp_auth_username: CHANGEME osp_auth_password: CHANGEME osp_project_name: CHANGEME osp_project_id: CHANGEME osp_auth_url: osp_auth_project_domain: default osp_auth_user_domain: default # DNS osp_cluster_dns_server: "" # ddns01.opentlc.com (1) osp_cluster_dns_zone: students.osp.opentlc.com ddns_key_name: PROVIDED_BY_ADMIN # default value is set to "hmac-dm5" ddns_key_secret: PROVIDED_BY_ADMIN # Repo own_repo_path: PROVIDED_BY_ADMIN # Do not create PROJECT, we already have one and want to use it osp_project_create: false EOF
You can find a secret.yml file provided to you on the home directory of your user at your bastion machine, use this to populate the file as previously stated. |
until issue #3275 is fixed, make sure that you replace the DNS name with an IP address if you have a dnspython library with version 2.x (e.g. on Fedora 33+). |
[YOUR_USER@bastion ~]$ ls
agnosticd secrets.yaml
It is required that OpenStack SDK is installed on your working machine. For further information, please refer to its web page |
First checkpoint, make sure this secret file is correct by running the test-empty-config.
cd agnosticd/ansible ansible-playbook main.yml \ -e @configs/test-empty-config/sample_vars_osp.yml \ -e @~/secret.yml
Copy the
file and call itmy_vars.yml
cp configs/just-a-bunch-of-nodes/sample_vars_osp.yml \ configs/just-a-bunch-of-nodes/my_vars.yml
Edit the
and change theguid
value to something short and unique.WarningDo not pick the same GUID as the one you got for access to the OSP cluster. -
you also need to check the
and theown_repo_path
variables (or overwrite them in your secrets file). -
Second checkpoint, Run the ansible-playbook command to deploy just-a-bunch-of-nodes
ansible-playbook main.yml \ -e @configs/just-a-bunch-of-nodes/my_vars.yml \ -e @~/secret.yml
NoteIf you are having python2 Vs. Python3 issues, Add /usr/bin/python3.6
before the ansible-playbook command. For example:/usr/bin/python3.6 ansible-playbook ansible/main.yml -e @configs/just-a-bunch-of-nodes/my_vars.yml -e@~/secret.yml
Check that the VM was installed and ssh into the box using the created key. In order to do so, first log into your bastion, using the credentials provided to you via email:
sassenach:~ Cibeles$ ssh YOUR-OPENTLC-USER@bastion.GUID.red.osp.opentlc.com YOUR-OPENTLC-USER@bastion.GUID.red.osp.opentlc.com's password: YOUR_EMAIL_PROVIDED_PASSWORD
[YOUR_USER@bastion ~]$ openstack --os-cloud=${GUID}-project server list +--------------------------------------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+-------+---------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor | +--------------------------------------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+-------+---------+ | 2715f0d9-51e1-4619-a97e-c841914dddf6 | node | ACTIVE | testamaya-default-network= | | 2c2g30d | | 6931bf5a-ec1e-4ac7-8477-9e96f9e14de3 | bastion | ACTIVE | testamaya-default-network=, | | 2c2g30d | | 947d6397-c152-4a38-9825-02f9fa50c03e | bastion | ACTIVE | 98e1-testnet-network=, | | 2c2g30d | +--------------------------------------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+-------+---------+
You can see there are some machines there and their IP addresses. Now you can log into your bastion machine from the outside world (your laptop) or from the bastion machine you were given credentials for in the email.
Let’s log in from the outside world (your laptop) using your ${GUID}_infra_ssh_key.pem key file. Please note that the key file should be created in the machine you launched the playbook from.
sassenach:~ Cibeles$ ll /tmp/output_dir/
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 Cibeles staff 235B May 26 17:41 basic_heat_template.yml
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 Cibeles staff 369B May 28 16:38 hosts-just-a-bunch-of-nodes-testamaya
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 Cibeles staff 6.8K May 26 17:42 just-a-bunch-of-nodes.testamaya.osp_cloud_master_template.yaml
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 Cibeles staff 1.1K May 28 16:32 just-a-bunch-of-nodes_testamaya_ssh_conf
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 Cibeles wheel 175B May 28 16:33 just-a-bunch-of-nodes_testamaya_ssh_known_hosts
8 -rwxr--r-- 1 Cibeles staff 168B May 28 16:37 ssh-config-just-a-bunch-of-nodes-testamaya*
8 -rw------- 1 Cibeles staff 1.6K May 25 13:16 testamaya_infra_ssh_key.pem
8 -r-------- 1 Cibeles wheel 1.8K May 28 16:19 testamayakey
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 Cibeles wheel 399B May 28 16:19 testamayakey.pub
sassenach:~ Cibeles$ ssh -i /tmp/output_dir/testamaya_infra_ssh_key.pem cloud-user@
Last login: Thu May 28 10:49:27 2020 from
[cloud-user@bastion 0 ~]$
Now, if you want to log into any of your nodes, you just simply need to copy the identity file into the newly deployed bastion machine and ssh from it (as nodes do not have an external IP).
sassenach:~ Cibeles$ scp -i /tmp/output_dir/testamaya_infra_ssh_key.pem /tmp/output_dir/testamaya_infra_ssh_key.pem cloud-user@ [cloud-user@bastion ~]$ ssh -i testamaya_infra_ssh_key.pem cloud-user@node Last login: Tue Jun 2 12:16:17 2020 from bastion.example.com
You can now adapt
to your needs. Create different kind of instances, more security groups, etc.
10.2.4. Clean up
Destroy the deployment:
ansible-playbook destroy.yml \ -e @configs/just-a-bunch-of-nodes/my_vars.yml \ -e @~/secret.yml
beware that this last action destroys also the initial bastion so that you can’t reuse it for further tests in the same sandbox. It has been captured in issue #3726. |
10.2.5. What’s next ?
ocp-workloads: deploy an OpenShift app on a shared cluster. See
directory. -
ocp4-cluster: deploy an OpenShift cluster. You can applied your workloads on top of it using the
list. See sample_vars_osp.yml.
11. AgnosticD Variables
Variables used by specific configs and roles should be documented along with the config and role. Variables that used by Ansible core or have a common meaning across many configs are documented here.
At the time of this writing this list is known to be an incomplete. |
11.1. Core Required Variables
Name | Description |
Cloud provider.
Required variable, but may be set to |
Config name which should match to a subdirectory under |
Unique ID used in labels, tags, metadata, and resource naming throughout the config to identify resources and prevent conflicts. |
Action to be performed by the lifecycle playbook or workload. |
11.2. Core Variables
Name | Description |
Authentication Bearer token used to callback with information and data collected from |
API URL used to callback with information and data collected from |
11.3. Other Variables
Name | Description |
Metadata used by the Babylon infrastructure when running AgnosticD. This variable should be ignored by workloads, configs, and roles. |
Metadata used by the OpenTLC and RHPDS admin host when running AgnosticD. This variable should be ignored by workloads, configs, and roles. |
12. AgnosticD User Info
Configs and Workloads in AgnosticD often need to save or return information during provisioning. Some examples include dynamically generated hostnames, IP addresses, and passwords. This information may be text messages to be delivered by email or structured data to be consumed by automation.
The agnosticd_user_info
action plugin can be used to provide to save messages and data within your config playbook, workload, or anywhere you have an Ansible task.
This replaces the previous conventions of using debug
with user.info:
12.1. Environment Messages
To return a message to show to the lab provisioner, set msg
. For example:
- name: Report URL for web console agnosticd_user_info: msg: "OpenShift Web Console: {{ _openshift_console_url }}
To set messages on several lines then call agnosticd_user_info
with loop
Multiline messages cannot be passed as a text block with embedded linebreaks due to how these messages are processed by current automation.
- name: Provide OpenShift Access Information agnosticd_user_info: msg: "{{ item }}" loop: - "OpenShift Web Console: {{ _openshift_console_url }}" - "OpenShift API for command line 'oc' client: {{ _openshift_api_url }}"
Blank lines may be included in your message output by sending an empty message string.
- name: Provide OpenShift Access Information agnosticd_user_info: msg: "{{ item }}" loop: - "OpenShift Web Console: {{ _openshift_console_url }}" - "OpenShift API for command line 'oc' client: {{ _openshift_api_url }}" - "" - "You may download the 'oc' client from {{ ocp4_client_url }}"
User info messages are meant to be delivered by automation to users of the provisioned environments.
A body
may be specified in the same way as msg
to override a standard message.
Content for body
should precede other messages if provided.
- name: Provide user info message body agnosticd_user_info: body: "{{ item }}" loop: - "Your catalog item has been provisioned." - "" - "Important information about your environment:"
Messages sent this way will be saved to user-info.yaml
in the output directory, set by output_dir
12.2. Environment Data
To set data to be consumed by other automation, such as the Babylon Events UI/Bookbag, set data
when calling agnosticd_user_info
- name: OpenShift Access Data agnosticd_user_info: data: openshift_console_url: "{{ _openshift_console_url }}" openshift_api_url: "{{ _openshift_api_url }}"
Data values are saved as a dictionary to provision-user-data.yaml
in the output directory.
To use this data through bookbag Asciidoc deployed by the Babylon Events UI we recommend setting AsciiDoc macros:
:openshift_console_url: %openshift_console_url% :openshift_api_url: %openshift_api_url% OpenShift Web Console: {openshift_console_url} OpenShift API: {openshift_api_url}
12.3. Multi-User Lab Environments
When provisioning a multi-user environment with AgnosticD you will want to deliver separate messages to each user. For example, a secure unique password for each user, a separate OpenShift namespace per user, etc.
User messages and data are set similarly to environment messages and data, but adding a user
argument to agnosticd_user_info
- name: OpenShift Access Data agnosticd_user_info: user: "user-{{ n }}" msg: |- OpenShift Web Console: {{ _openshift_console_url }} OpenShift API: {{ openshift_api_url }} Login with user "user-{{ n }}" and password "{{ _openshift_user_password[n] }}" data: openshift_console_url: "{{ _openshift_console_url }}" openshift_api_url: "{{ _openshift_api_url }}" openshift_user_name: "user-{{ n }}" openshift_user_password: "{{ _openshift_user_password[n] }}" openshift_user_namespace: "user-{{ n }}" loop: "{{ range(user_count | int) | list }}" loop_control: loop_var: n
Messages set with msg
may be multi-line when combined with user
This makes it easier to loop over a range of users.
If msg
is called repeatedly for the same user
then messages will be joined with a newline character.
User data
dictionary values are combined with any values previously set for the same user.
If the same key is set twice for a user then the previous value is replaced.
Environment data, set by calls to agnosticd_user_info
without user
will not be exposed to users.
All user data and messages is collected in ACTION-user-data.yaml
with user data stored as a dictionary under the key "users".
13. Contributing
If you’re reading this, hopefully you are considering helping out with Ansible Agnostic Deployer aka AgnosticD.
These are our contribution guidelines for helping out with the project. Any suggestions, improvements, clarifications etc., please let us know via a GitHub issue.
13.1. General rules
The Ansible Code of Conduct still applies.
For git messages, branch names, etc., follow Git Style Guide.
Pull Requests should reference an issue whenever possible.
Pull Requests must contain a well crafted description.
In your Pull Request, specify
closes #NUM
to automatically close the issue when the PR is merged.
To contribute, fork and make a pull request against the
branch. -
Use asciidoc for documentation.
Pull requests should only change:
One role
One config
If more than one, please explain why an exception should apply. Ask yourself, « Can this pull request be separated in several smaller pull requests ? »
Pull Request titles:
Must start with
Add | Change | Fix | Remove
followed by
config | workload | role | core | test | documentation
followed by the name of the config, workload, role, cloud provider, test or documentation
followed by a description that explains in sufficient details the why and what.
Leaving this empty or not putting any effort into the description will lead to the PR being sent back or closed.
Pull Request must be tested. Explain how you tested your change.
For example, you can state that you tested the changes against config X on cloud provider Y.
Owner of existing role or config must be set as reviewer.
If new role or config, owner must be identified.
If your Pull Request is not ready for review, open it as Draft or prefix with
in the title. -
AgnosticD is part of the Red Hat Community of Practices; the Red Hat CoP Contribution Guidelines apply.
Do not push binary files or large files into Git. Instead, expose them, for example using public Object storage like S3, and fetch them with ansible using modules like
. -
Destroy playbooks must be idem-potent. If run twice, they should not exit with an error.
13.2. Code Quality Rules
file should be added to every role and config when any substantial change is applied to the role or config, all new roles and configs must include a.yamllint
. The AgnosticD standard.yamllint
configuration is shown below. See also Official yamllint documentation.extends: default rules: comments: require-starting-space: false comments-indentation: disable indentation: indent-sequences: consistent line-length: max: 120 allow-non-breakable-inline-mappings: true
All tasks should be in YAML literal. No
inline notation. See here. -
Indentation is 2 white-spaces.
No in-line JSON format in Ansible
Avoid the use of
module when specific Ansible module exists to do the same. If you must, please explain why.-
If you have to, prefer
module toshell
module when possible. -
modules as much as possible and notoc
All tasks AND plays must have names.
Roles must have documented variables. This can be documented in either:
(preferred) -
Role README file
Choose one or the other. If you are commenting your variables in the defaults, your README should just point to this file. Do not split your variable documentation across these.
Roles must have
with author/contact information for support. -
Configs must have documented variables. This can be documented in either:
(preferred) -
Config README file
Choose one or the other. If you are commenting your variables in the
, your README should just point to this file. Do not split your variable documentation across these.
Be extra careful with external dependencies. Identify them and make sure the versions are pinned (use versions, tags, commit ID, etc.).
External Git repos
In a role, ensure all variables names are prefixed with the role name to avoid name collisions with other roles.
Do not add
to a task without justification. Prefer use offailed_when
if a condition is not an error.
13.3. About reviewing Pull Requests
Do not merge a PR after reviewing unless explicitely asked for
Approval and merging are different.
Other people might be reviewing at the same time, or want to review that PR
The PR might not be fully tested by the author yet
If a specific person was requested for review, don’t merge before that person reviewed, or before the request was canceled.
Take your time. If your PR is merged tomorrow instead of today, is it a big deal?
Pull request for urgent critical fix for production must be titled and labeled accordingly.
ExampleURGENT Fix config ansible-tower, update Windows AMI Ids for all regions Those images have been deleted and are not available anymore. This change, if applied, will update the AMI Ids in 'foobar' config for all region. closes #1234 labels: bug,urgent
Please use labels to categorize Pull Requests and Issues.
13.4. Ansible rules
# This
- name: Create a directory
state: directory
path: /tmp/deletethis
# Not this
- name: Create a directory
file: state=directory path=/tmpt/deletethis
Module arguments should be indented two spaces
# This
- name: Create a directory
state: directory
path: /tmp/deletethis
# Not This
- name: Create a directory
state: directory
path: /tmp/deletethis
There should be a single line break between tasks
Tags should be in multi-line format and indented two spaces just like module arguments above
# This
- name: "Check hosts.equiv"
path: /etc/hosts.equiv
register: hosts_equiv_audit
always_run: yes
- tag1
- tag2
# Not This
- name: "Check hosts.equiv"
path: /etc/hosts.equiv
register: hosts_equiv_audit
always_run: yes
tags: [tag1,tag2]
Every task must be named and provide brief descriptions about the task being accomplished.
13.5. Git
Please follow the Git Style Guide.
Note: during the review process, you may add new commits to address review comments or change existing commits. However, before getting your PR merged, please squash commits to a minimum set of meaningful commits. This can be done directly in the github web UI.
If you’ve broken your work up into a set of sequential changes and each commit pass the tests on their own then that’s fine. If you’ve got commits fixing typos or other problems introduced by previous commits in the same PR, then those should be squashed before merging.
14. FAQ
14.1. Deployment Stages
14.1.1. Can I bypass one or more stages?
Yes, main.yml
tags each stage, use --skip-tags
14.1.2. Where should I store credentails?
Never inside the repo. A common pattern is to store them in the home directoy
of the user who executes ansible-playbook
. For example ~/.ssh
for ssh keys,
for AWS etc.
14.2. Cloud Providers
14.2.1. Can I bypass Stage 1 Cloud Providers completely?
Yes. See configs/linklight/README
for an example and use --skip-tags=deploy_infrastructure
Galaxy and external roles
To use galaxy roles in your config, just do the following:
file in the config directory, for example:ansible/configs/{{env_type}}/requirements.yml
--- - src: geerlingguy.docker name: docker version: '2.5.1'
Use the role in the playbooks
- name: Some play hosts: - myhosts become: true gather_facts: False tasks: - name: install docker include_role: name: docker
Note that in the previous example, we use |
Please use a pinned Make sure you use version pinning in
When you run Ansible Agnostic Deployer, it will automatically fetch and create the role in your config directory: ansible/configs/{{env_type}}/roles/docker
for example.
15. Non-Galaxy external roles
Roles in requirements.yml
don’t have to be in Galaxy, you can use any git repo.
with git repo---
# External role to setup grader host virtualenv and FTL grading infra
- src: https://github.com/redhat-gpte-devopsautomation/ftl-injector
name: ftl-injector
version: v0.7
16. Development workflow
During development, the roles will be deployed and get in your way git-wise. To avoid that, there is a rule in the top-level .gitignore
to ignore those dynamic roles:
The convention is:
the "static" roles, those versioned in this repository, must live in
and the "dynamic" roles in your config directoryansible/configs/{{env_type}}/roles
Dynamic roles are not pushed in git, only the requirements.yml file is versioned.
17. Multiple requirement files
Sometimes, for the same config, we need several requirements.yml
. For example, one for PROD, one for DEV, etc.
You can create as many files as you want. When calling the playbook just override the requirements_path
ansible-playbook main.yml -e requirements_path=ansible/configs/{{env_type}}/requirements-prod.yml [...]
18. Misc
18.1. User Stories for AAD
A new product was acquired by Red Hat and the Architect wants to provide a new product as part of a deployable environment with AAD
It’s time consuming to put together environments. The Engineer wants to re-use deployment and configuration management for a product that’s already implemented in AAD to provide it integrated with another product.
There’s a new feature in OpenShift, and the Enineer wants to implement a feature in a product that will only impact a subset of the users of a product, and the engineers who rely on the product in their environments.
The SA wants to deliver a demo, and test their environment immediately before a demo, and clean up test data so the demo will be pristine.
The SA Manager wants needs to track effort and spending per opporunity, and wants a report of each her SA’s activities, and a cost-per-opportunity report.
The Enablement Architect wants to set a date to automatically destroy student envionrments.
The Enablement Architect wants to increase lab testing velocity by deploying environments via API.
The Enablement Architect wants to teach in a situation where two environments networked together, so multiple clusters can intercommunicate.
The Operators want a dashboard of environments as they launch, run, and are destroyed. Example: It’s difficult to respond to the question, "Are there any problems deploying or destroying any environments? Operators cannot quickly see the entire operational landscape of the system.
The Architect wants a new cloud service feature added to an environment. Example: New class requirements demand object storage for environemtns. So, S3 buckets with quotas need to be setup for each environment.
The SA wants to use AAD to create a demo of Quay for their customer from a basic deployment, as an upstream of a new OpenShift Cluster with Jenkins CI, a test Java application and user policies for dev/test/qa/admin/security. Quay will use Clair to check images. There will be geo-replication of the underlying Quay datastore (S3 or the like).