
An Ansible role to alter Settings on Ansible Controller.


ansible-galaxy collection install -r tests/collections/requirements.yml to be installed Currently: awx.awx or ansible.controller


Variable Name Default Value Required Description Example
platform_state “present” no The state all objects will take unless overridden by object default ‘absent’
aap_hostname ”” yes URL to the Ansible Automation Platform Server.
aap_validate_certs true no Whether or not to validate the Ansible Automation Platform Server’s SSL certificate.  
aap_username ”” no Admin User on the Ansible Automation Platform Server. Either username / password or oauthtoken need to be specified.  
aap_password ”” no Platform Admin User’s password on the Server. This should be stored in an Ansible Vault at vars/platform-secrets.yml or elsewhere and called from a parent playbook.  
aap_token ”” no Controller Admin User’s token on the Ansible Automation Platform Server. This should be stored in an Ansible Vault at or elsewhere and called from a parent playbook. Either username / password or oauthtoken need to be specified.  
aap_request_timeout 10 no Specify the timeout in seconds Ansible should use in requests to the Ansible Automation Platform host.  
controller_settings see below yes Data structure describing your settings described below.  

Secure Logging Variables

The following Variables compliment each other. If Both variables are not set, secure logging defaults to false. The role defaults to false as normally the add settings task does not include sensitive information. controller_configuration_settings_secure_logging defaults to the value of aap_configuration_secure_logging if it is not explicitly called. This allows for secure logging to be toggled for the entire suite of configuration roles with a single variable, or for the user to selectively use it.

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
controller_configuration_settings_secure_logging false no Whether or not to include the sensitive Settings role tasks in the log. Set this value to true if you will be providing your sensitive values from elsewhere.
aap_configuration_secure_logging false no This variable enables secure logging as well, but is shared across multiple roles, see above.

Asynchronous Retry Variables

The following Variables set asynchronous retries for the role. If neither of the retries or delay or retries are set, they will default to their respective defaults. This allows for all items to be created, then checked that the task finishes successfully. This also speeds up the overall role.

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
aap_configuration_async_retries 30 no This variable sets the number of retries to attempt for the role globally.
controller_configuration_settings_async_retries `` no This variable sets the number of retries to attempt for the role.
aap_configuration_async_delay 1 no This sets the delay between retries for the role globally.
controller_configuration_settings_async_delay aap_configuration_async_delay no This sets the delay between retries for the role.
aap_configuration_loop_delay 0 no This sets the pause between each item in the loop for the roles globally. To help when API is getting overloaded.
controller_configuration_settings_loop_delay aap_configuration_loop_delay no This sets the pause between each item in the loop for the role. To help when API is getting overloaded.
aap_configuration_async_dir null no Sets the directory to write the results file for async tasks. The default value is set to null which uses the Ansible Default of /root/.ansible_async/.

Data Structure

There are two choices for entering settings. Either provide as a single dict under settings or individually as name value. In the first case controller_settings will simply be an individual dict, but in the second case, it will be a list.

Setting Variables

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
settings {} no Dict of key-value pairs of settings
name ”” no Name of the setting to set.
value ”” no Value of the setting.

Standard Setting Data Structure - as a dict

Json Dict Example

  "controller_settings": {
    "settings": {
      "AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE": "uid=%(user)s,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com",
      "AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD": "password"

Yaml Dict Example

    AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE: "uid=%(user)s,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"

Standard Setting Data Structure - as a list

Json List Example

  "controller_settings": [
      "value": "uid=%(user)s,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
      "name": "AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD",
      "value": "password"

Yaml List Example

    value: "uid=%(user)s,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
    value: "password"

Playbook Examples

Standard Role Usage

- name: Playbook to configure ansible controller post installation
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  # Define following vars here, or in platform_configs/controller_auth.yml
  # aap_hostname:
  # aap_username: admin
  # aap_password: changeme
    - name: Include vars from platform_configs directory
        dir: ./yaml
        ignore_files: [controller_config.yml.template]
        extensions: ["yml"]
    - {role: infra.aap_configuration.controller_settings, when: controller_settings is defined}




Kedar Kulkarni Sean Sullivan