
Ansible role use to build execution environments. This role invokes ansible builder and depends on certain variables or files being provided.


ansible-builder podman or docker

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values defined (see defaults/main.yml)

Order of preferences for images

  1. ee_list images

           - name: custom_ee
             base_image: image_name
  2. ‘ee_base_image’ top level variables.

  3. If none of the above are set, a default will be used.

    Downstream images from the redhat registry will be used if you provide a ‘ee_base_registry_username’ Otherwise it will default to the upstream images on quay. These are only used if no base is specified.


Best practice is to use the default images, unless needing to pull from another repository.

Build Argument Defaults

Variable Name Default Value Required Type Description Example
ee_builder_dir playbook_directory no str The directory to store all build and context files. ‘/tmp’
ee_builder_dir_clean true no bool Whether to delete the build dir when done. true
ee_container_runtime podman no str container run time to use podman/docker. podman
ee_version 3 no int What Execution Environment definition file version to use. This can be different then the actual builder version. 3
ee_galaxy_keyring   no str Path to the keyring to verify collection signatures during installation.  
ee_galaxy_ignore_signature_status_code   no list List of status codes to ignore while verifying collections. -500
galaxy_required_valid_signature_count   no int Number of required valid collection signatures. 5
ee_container_policy   no str The container image validation policy to use with podman. Can be one of ‘ignore_all’, ‘system’,’signature_required’. ignore_all
ee_verbosity 0 no int Options Increase the output verbosity, can be from 0-3.  
ee_prune_images true no bool To enable or disable pruning the images after building.  
ee_stream upstream unless ee_base_registry_username is defined then downstream no str What stream to pull images from either upstream or downstream. Also changes package manager used for downstream to microdnf to avoid errors.  
ee_update_base_images false no bool Whether to pull down images, this forces an update to avoid stale images.  
ee_base_image no str Build arg specifies parent image for the execution environment. Use the images option to override this for an individual list item.  
ee_base_registry_username ee_registry_username no str Username to use when authenticating to base registries. If neither ee or base registry provided will be omitted.  
ee_base_registry_password ee_registry_password no str Password to use when authenticating to base registries. If neither ee or base registry provided will be omitted.  
ee_pull_collections_from_hub true no bool Whether or not to pull collections from a specific hub for use in building an Execution Environment. This will create entries that adds the ansible.cfg file into the EE.  
ee_ah_host ah_host no str Host to use for ansible config file. Alternative default is to use variable from infra.ah_configuration. (if AAP 2.5 use gateway host and infra.aap_configuration) Required if ee_pull_collections_from_hub is True.  
ee_ah_token ah_token no str Token to use for ansible config file. Alternative default is to use variable from infra.ah_configuration. Required if ee_pull_collections_from_hub is True.  
ee_aap_version 2.4 no str Changes what API endpoint to point to depending on AAP version  
ee_create_controller_def false no bool Option to create the ‘controller_execution_environments’ definition for use by the infra.controller_configuration role  

Execution environment list

This role takes a list of execution environments to describe a state. It takes variables from the following sections the list variables section.

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
ee_list list yes Data structure describing your Execution Environments Described below.

List variables for Execution environment definition

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
name   yes Name of the ee image to create. Only the name goes here, the namespace goes in the ee_registry_dest variable
tag   no Tag to use when pushing the image.
dependencies dict no This section allows you to describe any dependencies that will need to be installed into the final image. Reference builder dependencies documentation, examples and our examples for its structure.
build_steps dict no This section enables you to specify custom build commands for any build phase. Reference builder build_steps documentation, examples and our examples for its structure.
build_items list no This is a list of files or folders that will be copied to the working directory for use with the build files. Example below.
build_files dict no This section allows you to add any file to the build context directory. Reference builder build_files documentation, examples and our examples for its structure.
images dict no This section is a dictionary that is used to define the base image to be used. Reference builder images documentation, examples and our examples for its structure. This will override ‘ee_base_image’.
options dict no This section is a dictionary that contains keywords/options that can affect builder runtime functionality. Reference builder options documentation, examples and our examples for its structure.
skip_generation bool false Should the generation of execution_environment.yml be skipped and an already provided definition be used.

Additional List variables for Execution environment definition for Controller configuration

These variables are only use in creating the Execution Environment ‘controller_execution_environments’ definition that is useable with the infra.controller_configuration role to push definitions to the Automation controller.

Variable Name Default Value Required Type Description
alt_name name no str Alternate name of the ee image to create.
description ”” no str Description to use for the execution environment.
organization ”” no str The organization the execution environment belongs to.
pull “missing” no choice(“always”, “missing”, “never”) Determine image pull behavior
ee_reg_credential ”” no str Name of the credential to use for the execution environment.

Registry Step defaults

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
ee_registry_username   no Username to use when authenticating to destination registries.
ee_registry_password   no Password to use when authenticating to destination registries.
ee_registry_dest   no Path or URL where image will be pushed. Namespaces for containers go here. Examples:,
ee_image_push True no Control to choose whether to push image to registry or not.
ee_auth_file   no Path to file containing authorization credentials to the remote registry.
ee_executable   no Path to podman executable if it is not in the $PATH on the machine running podman.
ee_ca_cert_dir   no Path to directory containing TLS certificates and keys to use.
ee_validate_certs   no Require HTTPS and validate certificates when pulling or pushing.
ee_sign_by   no Path to a key file to use to sign the image.

Example Playbook

The following playbook can be invoked in the following manner. This role is meant to build and push an execution Environment to an registry

ansible-playbook playbook.yml
- name: Playbook to create custom EE
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - infra.ee_utilities
    # For controller configuration definition
    ee_builder_dir_clean: false
    ee_builder_dir: "."
    ee_update_base_images: false
    ee_reg_credential: Automation Hub Container Registry
    ee_pull_collections_from_hub: true
    ah_host: hub.nas
    ah_token: ec28091dfebd9fb4c7ddc59d34cddb35350b71cb
    ee_registry_dest: ahnosso.node
    ee_registry_username: admin
    ee_registry_password: secret123
    ee_verbosity: 1
      - name: custom_ee
        alt_name: Custom EE
        tag: 1-11-21-2
          - python-requests
          - python-pyyaml
            - pytz  # for schedule_rrule lookup plugin
            - python-dateutil>=2.7.0  # schedule_rrule
            - awxkit  # For import and export modules
              - name: awx.awx
                version: 22.4.0
              - infra.controller_configuration
              - ansible.controller
              - infra.ah_configuration
          - files/
          - test.yml
          - src: files/stuff.txt
            dest: folders
          - src: test.yml
            dest: folders
            - ADD _build/folders/stuff.txt /etc/ansible/stuff.txt
            - ADD _build/folders/test.yml /etc/ansible/test.yml
            - RUN echo This is a post-install command!
    - infra.ee_utilities.ee_builder

This is an example for building using automated pipelines like Gitlab or Azure Devops where the build container and other dependencies used for building the final artifact are destroyed after the pipeline is finished

- name: Playbook to create custom EE
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - infra.ee_utilities
    # One of these two may be required in certain environments
    # - containers.podman
    # - community.docker
    ee_base_registry_username: admin
    ee_base_registry_password: secret123
    # As stated in ee_registry_dest's description, if you want to namespace an image you put the namespace in the ee_registry_dest variable like so instead of in the name variable
    ee_registry_dest: ahnosso.node/custom-images-for-prod
    ee_registry_username: admin
    ee_registry_password: secret123
    # in this example we are assuming that we are pulling content and pushing the final artifact to the same location
    ee_ah_host: ahnosso.node
    ee_ah_token: iamatoken
    # ee_builder_dir_clean is used because depending on the environment permissions errors can be thrown when attempting to clean up. It is also unnecessary if the entire environment is going to be destroyed at the end anyway.
    ee_builder_dir_clean: false
    #  ee_builder_dir is set to the relative path "." because it tells ansible-builder to always use the temporary folder created by the pipeline. This may not be necessary depending on the environment but the temporary directories created by the pipeline for building the final artifacts can vary in location
    ee_builder_dir: "."
        # To reiterate, only the name variable goes here, not the namespace, that is placed in ee_registry_dest, please refer to ee_registry_dest's description for more details
      - name: custom_ee
        # Using the latest tag is best practice and should be replaced with a tested version of the container. However latest can be a good starting point to figure out which container works, then replacing latest with the version number for the tested latest container.
            package_pip: ansible-core==2.15
            package_pip: ansible-runner
            - python-requests
            - python-pyyaml
            - pytz  # for schedule_rrule lookup plugin
            - python-dateutil>=2.7.0  # schedule_rrule
            - awxkit  # For import and export modules
              - name: awx.awx
                version: 22.4.0
              - infra.controller_configuration
              - ansible.controller
              - infra.ah_configuration
            - RUN whoami
            - RUN cat /etc/os-release
            - RUN echo This is a post-install command!
      # This overwrites the above base image.
      - name: custom_suported
        alt_name: Custom EE2
# This pre-task section is provided because older environment or environments like build pipelines may not have ansible-builder pre-installed. This is a good place to install other dependencies that need to be in the build pipeline its self not in the final artifact.
#  pre_tasks:
#    - name: install ansible-builder
#      ansible.builtin.pip:
#        name: ansible-builder
#        executable: pip3.9
#      tags: always
    - infra.ee_utilities.ee_builder



Author Information

Sean Sullivan and Jonathan Bouligny