Ansible Role infra.aap_configuration.gateway_service_nodes


An Ansible Role to configure Service Nodes on Ansible Automation gateway.


Variable Name Default Value Required Description Example
platform_state “present” no The state all objects will take unless overridden by object default ‘absent’
aap_hostname ”” yes URL to the Ansible Automation Platform Server.
aap_validate_certs true no Whether or not to validate the Ansible Automation Platform Server’s SSL certificate.  
aap_username ”” no Admin User on the Ansible Automation Platform Server. Either username / password or oauthtoken need to be specified.  
aap_password ”” no Platform Admin User’s password on the Server. This should be stored in an Ansible Vault at vars/platform-secrets.yml or elsewhere and called from a parent playbook.  
aap_token ”” no Controller Admin User’s token on the Ansible Automation Platform Server. This should be stored in an Ansible Vault at or elsewhere and called from a parent playbook. Either username / password or oauthtoken need to be specified.  
aap_request_timeout 10 no Specify the timeout in seconds Ansible should use in requests to the Ansible Automation Platform host.  
gateway_service_nodes see below yes Data structure describing your gateway_service_nodes Described below.  

Enforcing defaults

The following Variables compliment each other. If Both variables are not set, enforcing default values is not done. Enabling these variables enforce default values on options that are optional in the controller API. This should be enabled to enforce configuration and prevent configuration drift. It is recommended to be enabled, however it is not enforced by default.

Enabling this will enforce configuration without specifying every option in the configuration files.

‘gateway_service_nodes_enforce_defaults’ defaults to the value of ‘aap_configuration_enforce_defaults’ if it is not explicitly called. This allows for enforced defaults to be toggled for the entire suite of controller configuration roles with a single variable, or for the user to selectively use it.

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
gateway_service_nodes_enforce_defaults false no Whether or not to enforce default option values on only the applications role
aap_configuration_enforce_defaults false no This variable enables enforced default values as well, but is shared globally.

Secure Logging Variables

The following Variables compliment each other. If Both variables are not set, secure logging defaults to false. The role defaults to false as normally the add ee_registry task does not include sensitive information. gateway_service_nodes_secure_logging defaults to the value of aap_configuration_secure_logging if it is not explicitly called. This allows for secure logging to be toggled for the entire suite of automation hub configuration roles with a single variable, or for the user to selectively use it.

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
gateway_service_nodes_secure_logging false no Whether or not to include the sensitive Registry role tasks in the log. Set this value to true if you will be providing your sensitive values from elsewhere.
aap_configuration_secure_logging false no This variable enables secure logging as well, but is shared across multiple roles, see above.

Asynchronous Retry Variables

The following Variables set asynchronous retries for the role. If neither of the retries or delay or retries are set, they will default to their respective defaults. This allows for all items to be created, then checked that the task finishes successfully. This also speeds up the overall role.

Variable Name Default Value Required Description
aap_configuration_async_retries 50 no This variable sets the number of retries to attempt for the role globally.
gateway_service_nodes_async_retries aap_configuration_async_retries no This variable sets the number of retries to attempt for the role.
aap_configuration_async_delay 1 no This sets the delay between retries for the role globally.
gateway_service_nodes_async_delay aap_configuration_async_delay no This sets the delay between retries for the role.
aap_configuration_loop_delay 1000 no This variable sets the loop_delay for the role globally.
gateway_service_nodes_loop_delay aap_configuration_loop_delay no This variable sets the loop_delay for the role.
aap_configuration_async_dir null no Sets the directory to write the results file for async tasks. The default value is set to null which uses the Ansible Default of /root/.ansible_async/.

Data Structure

Service Node Arguments

Options for the service_nodes_list variable:

Variable Name Default Value Required Type Description
name N/A yes str The name of the resource
new_name N/A no str Setting this option will change the existing name (looked up via the name field)
address N/A no str Network address for this service
service_cluster N/A no str ID or name referencing the Service Cluster
tags N/A no str Comma separated list of tags to assign to the node, for filtering route traffic
state present no str

Unique value:

  • name
  • address + service_cluster


Json Example

  • Check the node on for EDA service exists (in the database):
  • Check the node with ID 1 exists (in the database):
  "gateway_service_nodes": [
      "name": "EDA -",
      "state": "exists"
      "name": 1,
      "state": "exists"

Yaml Example

  • Create node (if not exists) for Controller service (in the database)
  • Delete node (if exists) for Automation Hub Service (from the database)

File name: data/service_nodes.yml

- name: "Controller Node 1"
  service_cluster: controller
- name: "Hub on"
  state: absent

